September 2015
由玛格南图片社、波士顿咨询公司与Kram/Weisshaar工作室联合举办的展览“就在此刻:玛格南图片社摄影展”于2015年9月10日至10月7日在北京三里屯太古里北区红馆举行。展览由品项团队担任玛格南图片社中国执行方,全权代表玛格南图片社推行本次展览。展览首次向公众展出一组从2013年开始创作的摄影与影像作品,分别由5位玛格南著名摄影师:阿勒桑德拉 · 桑吉内蒂、艾利克斯·马约里、乔纳斯·本迪克森、奥利维娅·亚瑟和格奥尔基·平卡索夫,分别在位于五大洲的十个地方,记录了这些改变对个人及人类整体的冲击,将未来将影响全球人类生活的重大趋势解读并翻译为一系列具体而基础的社会改变。这次展览将纪实照片与沉浸式媒体的手法相结合,旨在使观众理解5种将在未来20年中改变世界的巨大变化。展览由英国著名摄影师马丁·帕尔策划举办,品项担任展览执行团队。展览现场除了展示一组精修后的博物馆珍藏级别的照片成品外,还有一张“研究桌”,为访客提供了一本超大号书籍,使人们可以对展览核心创意团队所进行的视觉及可触性研究一探究竟。
To commemorate the company’s 50th anniversary, BCG has partnered with Magnum Photos and designers Kram/Weisshaar to give a physical form and human face to five key conditions exemplifying the world at a crossroads. The exhibition, through a combination of documentary photography and immersive media, seeks to provide insight into five massive changes that will transform the world over the next 20 years: the explosive growth ofthe middle class in the developing world, the rapid increase in the number of people acquiring postsecondary degrees, the vast changes in the use of resources worldwide, the continuing acceleration of digital and physical connectivity, and the dramatic rise of market and societal turbulence. Curated by leading British photographer Martin Parr, five renowned Magnum photographers documented the personal, human impact of these conditions in 10 locations on five continents: Alessandra Sanguinetti in Bogota and Silicon Valley, Alex Majoli in Lagos, Abu Dhabi and Doha, Jonas Bendiksen in Istanbul
and Stockholm, Olivia Arthur in Mumbai and Shanghai, and Gueorgui Pinkhassov in Jakarta and Seoul. The exhibition is produced by The Pin Projects.
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