March 2014 OCT-LOFT, A3+, Shenzhen, China

由华侨城创意文化园主办,品项出品,荷兰国家设计基金Stimuleringsfonds,荷兰驻华大使馆广州总领事馆的支持的题为:“三人行-来自荷兰的三代首饰艺术家之间的对话”的当代首饰展于深圳OCT-LOFT北区A3+揭幕。“三人行”当代首饰展是6位的联合作品展,项目初期锁定三位艺术家:Gijs Bakker,Lucy Sarneel 和孙捷的作品联合展,让这三位艺术家再分别推举一位与他们有共通之处的荷兰艺术家,Gijs Bakker推选Dinie Besems,Lucy推选Manon van Kouswijk,孙捷选择Boris de Beijer。在这个展览中,艺术家是用完全不同的方式来处理。他们最终的目的不是制作饰品,而是在艺术作品中表达他们的想法,发掘新的材料,并创作出可佩戴的作品。 本次展览以其前所未有的艺术形式,惊喜频出的表现手法,精美绝伦的艺术作品,成就了一次十足的艺术盛宴。

TRIPLE PARADE, which is organized by OCT-LOFT, produced by The Pin Projects, supported by Dtimuleringsfonds, Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou, was open at A3+ Space in OCT-LOFT Shenzhen, China. TRIPLE PARADE is focused on three artists: Gijs Bakker, Lucy Sarneel and Jie Sun. All three of them found other three artists from the Netherlands with whom they feel a connection. Gijs selected Dinie Besems, Lucy chose Manon van Kouswijk and Boris de Beijer was nominated by Jie Sun. By sharing their works we can step into anther world and see how daily objects are combined with new materials, how poetic a bundle of pieces can be and how a bold statement can wake you up.